Monday, December 1, 2008

And here's another photo just for fun...

I love this hat on him!

Bowling for Family Night

Here are some photos from our family night tonight at the bowling alley. Christian (his favorite word is "ball") was VERY excited to see an entire wall full of balls. He hasn't quite got the idea of pushing the ball down the lane though (he just kept trying to run down the lane to get the ball after we helped him roll it!).

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Adventures with Belly

These are some commercials David and some friend made for their class business (for his minor). The company runs concessions stands at events on and off campus (mostly on). "Feed the belly!" Oh yeah, it's helpful to watch the first one first.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

Some videos of Christian

For all those who haven't been able to open these after receiving them through email, here they are on the web. Enjoy.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Craig's's not just economical, it's comical.

These are actual quotes that we found on Craig's List OC. The funniest ones are usually from the "free" category:

"Free used crib bed. Would also make a great dog bed for a
larger animal."

"free table... come and get it----714-624-8527 no flakes please"

"Free Clean Dirt"

"Free...dirt....It isn't perfectly clean, but not too bad, either.... "

"I have a 42" Mitsubishi TV. The picture just stopped working."

"Free Phonebooks" (aren't those already free?)

"Free Big Screen and Treadmill" (what's the story behind this combination?)

"Free Desk Yesterday @ 9:00 AM"

"free broken cement"

"FREE - medical exam table" (hey,put that in your guest room with a Frankenstein theme!)

If you find any more from Craig's List or anywhere else please post them on our blog!