Saturday, December 5, 2009

Update on Liam

Liam is doing great today! He now weighs 5 lbs 2 oz. That's only a 1 oz gain from yesterday but it's progress. Also, he's much more active today, and THAT is something to be excited about! The nurse said when she came in today she thought, "he's acting like a completely different baby." So tomorrow (Sunday) they want us to do "rooming in." That's where we stay overnight in the hospital with him and they let us do an entire night's routine alone. If we need help the nurses are just in the next room. It's a transition night for bringing home babies that have had difficulty eating, etc. Assuming all goes well (and it should) we'll get to bring him home Monday morning!


Cutler Family said...

Hey Petersons! I've actually wondered a lot about how you guys were doing and I just found your blog through Chris's facebook and am excited about being able to keep up with you. Congratulations on your new baby! He is so cute and I hope that everything goes well and that you are able to bring him home soon. Would love to be able to still keep in touch with you guys! Our blog address is

Penny said...

What a handsome little guy. I've been keeping up with your news through your blog. The internet is such a blessing when it comes to this kind of situation. You are in our hearts and prayers. We dedicated our fast to your sweet baby and family.

Wishing you all the best!!
